Category Archives: Cat Rescue

Feline Fun Friday – Time to Share Your Cat Stories

Wednesday I shared a story about the struggles and successes of street cats in New York. I think most of us have stories of helping feral or street cats—strays—whatever you want to call them. I’d love to share some of … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Bans on Pet Store Pet Sales   

In 2017 California became the first state to ban the sale of puppies and kittens in pet stores except for possibly those animals from shelters and rescue facilities. This move was designed to encourage rescue and adoption. By then, some … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – A Most Responsible Kitten (and More)

Did you see the story of Binx, the kitten tagged the most responsible kitten around? He was found with a litter of very young kittens and they say he stayed with them until they were all rescued. It’s a sweet … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Saving Fire Cats

Fires happen—house fires, wildfires, and other types of fires—and cats are sometimes victims. Most often they will run away when a fire becomes threatening. Some get lost and never return or they return to rubble and can’t find their people. … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Cats for Prisoners

We’ve all heard about programs where prisoners are paired with dogs that need homes. There are programs for inmates involving horses and even a program in at least one facility in Massachusetts where prisoners help rehabilitate wildlife. But did you … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Cats Who Come Home For the Holidays

I told you about the sweet mackerel tabby that had found his way to our house big time recently. I mean, he was all over us and even sneaked inside a time or two when we were coming or going. … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – The Mermaid Cat That Tried to Fly

Or was her leap off the Mopac Bridge in Austin, TX an accident. The poor thing evidently had been running on hot pavement for a while as her paws were burned when they recued her. Did she find herself amidst … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Adopt a Senior Pet Month

November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month. Here’s a site that offers support and information about the senior pet. For example, did you realize that a dog and a cat are considered seniors between 7 and 10 years old? It’s … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – When Cats Begin to Overrun a Community

Many cities and rural areas have similar problems and community leaders find a variety of ways to handle them. Cats become homeless. They band together where they find opportunities for food and water and shelter. When no one pays any … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Houses for Cats

Cats have good instincts for the most part—and those who live in the elements must develop excellent instincts or they won’t survive the seasons, the storms, the drought, and the lack of food. In our world there are many homeless, … Continue reading

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