Category Archives: About Cats

Upbeat Cat News–Max the Cat Graduates with Doctoral Degree

Love this story of Max, the cat, earning a Doctoral Degree at Vermont State U at Castleton after 4 years hanging around the campus. According to the story, he was friend to every student, helped to keep their anxiety level … Continue reading

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Keeping Up With Cat Holidays

Today is one of my favorite cat holidays. In fact I like it so much that I indulge in it every day of the year. It’s International Hug Your Cat Day. Can you imagine all of the kitty-cat hugs going … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – National Tabby Day

If you have a tabby cat and you consider him or her to be super intelligent, warm, and outgoing, you are not alone. There seems to be something about the tabby that really tugs at a heart. I didn’t cozy … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Hairball Awareness

Today is National Hairball Awareness Day—bringing awareness to those of us who either freak out when we see our cat struggle to produce one of those ugly wads of fur on occasion or who believe these are natural occurrences for … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Helicopter Cat Mom

Are you a helicopter cat mom or dad? Are you constantly watching and searching for and checking over and fussing over your cat(s). If so—good for you!!! There are a lot of difficulties and serious problems that you can thwart … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – National Tortie Cat Day

Today is National Tortie Cat Day (or Tortoisehell Cat Appreciation Day). If you’ve ever had a tortie, you’re probably celebrating in your heart. I am. What is a tortie (or tortoiseshell) cat? They sort of look like a calico without … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Cats Inside Versus Outside

Do you have friends who still offer their cats the freedom of the out of doors? I imagine you have neighbors who do. I now have six neighborhood cats visiting my yard pretty much on a daily basis. Two coming … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – How Do You Leave Your Cat?

It’s inevitable that you will leave your cat(s) home alone at some point for varying amounts of time. How does your cat react to this? Are her reactions different when you’ve left her for a quick grocery store run than … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Fun and Interesting Cat Habits

If you’ve adopted a lot of cats over the years as I have, you know how different each of them can be. Some of them develop very interesting habits and ways. Olivia loves her morning treat, but there’s a ritual … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – National Siamese Cat Day

April 6—tomorrow—is National Siamese Cat Day. If you’re like most long-time cat people, you’ve either had a Siamese cat or knew one well. My grandmother had Siamese cats as I grew up. Hers were the applehead or traditional seal point … Continue reading

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