Wednesday I shared a story about the struggles and successes of street cats in New York. I think most of us have stories of helping feral or street cats—strays—whatever you want to call them. I’d love to share some of your stories in upcoming blog posts. Send them here in the comments section of to me at
I already have a story I’m going to use next week along with statistics showing how dramatically intact cats can contribute to the torture and demise of cats by producing unwanted cats. People, it’s up to us to stop the madness.
For my part, I’ve had a few stints taking shelter kittens to visit folks in nursing homes. I have volunteered at shelters. I have adopted cats and kittens from shelters several times. I rescued a litter of
kittens I found in my woodpile. Kept one, who lived with me for 17 years; found homes for the others. I always have my cats spayed/neutered.
I’ve also written numerous articles about the plight and care of cats, and I have published around 80 books related to cats—often focusing on the plight of the feral and stray cats. I’ve been writing this blog for about ten years.
Probably my most important contribution has been providing a safe haven here with me for over a dozen cats over time and the truths and realities I share in my cozy mystery stories and in my blog.
I know so many people who do and give so much more and I honor their heart and their efforts. What are your experiences?