Category Archives: About Cats

Feline Fun Friday – National Trivia Day

On National Trivia Day I decided to share some cat trivia. Most of it’s pretty interesting: Cats were being taken in as pets around 3100 BC in ancient Egypt. The first cat show was held in 1895. A cat was … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Happy Mew Year

Tomorrow, January 2nd, is Happy Mew Year. Not only is this an opportunity to celebrate another year and entertain hopes for a wonderful new year with our amazing cats, but it’s a time to give cats that are in need … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Your Cats’ Favorite Gift

Did your cat receive Christmas gifts? What was her favorite, a cozy new bed, an exciting toy, or her very own catio? Maybe you or someone else got her a new cat tree or built a ladder and perches along … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Cats: Givers and Helpers

Today I want to talk about how cats give and help. Oh, what a beautiful world it is with cats in it. You know how much you receive from your cat or cats. Sure they can be somewhat or a … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – How Does Your Cat Do Christmas?

There are a lot of pictures and cartoons and jokes showing cats climbing or knocking down a Christmas tree. We’ve never had a cat do that, but we’ve had cats that adored Christmas—and loved to explore and become familiar with … Continue reading

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Paws up for Wednesday – What Are Your Cat’s Peculiarities?

Call them traits, characteristics, idiosyncrasies or quirks, it seems every cat has them. If you’ve had several cats over the years you know this. Each and every one of your cats has come with or developed something different about them, … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – How to Keep Your Cat at Home

Do you let your cat outside? Many of us did back in the day and that has changed for most of us. But we still see cats roaming in our neighborhoods, hiding out under parked cars, wandering through empty lots … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Activities for Cats | 1 Comment

Paws Up for Wednesday – The Million Cat Challenge

Monday, we discussed the effect the pandemic had on the feral cat (and house cat) population. It was dire. Have you heard of the million cat challenge launched in 2014? This was an attempt to save a million cats in … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday—How the Pandemic Has Affected the World’s Cat Population

Humans weren’t the only affected during the events of 2020-2021. Animals were too. I found an interesting study showing how our household cats were affected during this time—what they were up against and how this changed their behavior. Interesting study. … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Cat Rescue, Feral Cats | 2 Comments

Feline Fun Friday – How Does Your Cat Do Christmas?

Most of us, who have had cats for a long time, know the dangers of the holidays for cats—toxic plants and flowers that might be brought into the house, the toppling of a beautiful Christmas tree, indoor cats getting out … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Cats and Holidays | 2 Comments