Category Archives: Cat Rescue

Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday — Senior Cats for Senior Citizens

I saw a bit on the news recently about a cat shelter that had a program for seniors—senior citizens and senior cats. I did some checking and discovered that there are programs throughout the states where shelters pair older cats … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – New Strategy for Unwanted Cats—Let Them Go

Many cities throughout the US have adopted a new program called SNR (Shelter, Neuter, Release). Instead of keeping stray and surrendered cats in shelters or euthanizing them, agencies in CA, MI, CO, FL and other states are returning them to … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – It’s Olivia’s Birthday Week

Olivia turns one year old Saturday—May 1 (or there abouts)—so I thought I’d dedicate this week’s blog posts to her. We lost our precious tabby, Lily, at eleven years old during the year of the pandemic. (Just when we thought … Continue reading

Posted in Cat Rescue, Living With Cats | 3 Comments

Mindful Monday – Let’s Explore New Pet Adoption Statistics

There is something you can do to help abandoned animals and to protect our cats and dogs in the future. In fact, you may be surprised how many people are already helping and how. During my recent research journeys I … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Olivia Starts the New Year Out Right

Olivia was born in 2020—around May 1st they say—and she lived under a house in Torrance, a city in Los Angeles County, California. She was trapped along with two other kittens thought to be her siblings, however they were much … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats in the News in 2020   

You probably read that the oldest cat on record died this year. Rubble, who resided in England with his family, lived to be 31 years old. But cats were saved this year, too. One cat was rescued moments before entering … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Rapper Becomes Trapper (to save cats, that is)

You may have heard of Sterling Davis by now—the rapper who took a side job in a cat shelter to earn a little extra money and to hang out with some of his favorite “people”—cats. When he realized the need … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday –- Saga of a Lost and Found Kitten

Neighbor Laura texted me one day last week asking to borrow one of our cat carriers. Laura and Russ are dog people. They lost two dogs this year—one just died in front of them without warning. Damn 2020! So much … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Because of the Microchip

I love reading happy-ending stories of lost or stolen cats being reunited with their human and this happens more and more often now with the advent of the chip. I’m rather embarrassed to admit that I actually have my first … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Olivia: Week Two

It’s been two weeks since we picked up a shy calico kitten named Olivia in the parking lot of our local humane society from her rescuer, the director of ResQcats. She’d been spayed minutes earlier and was ready to go … Continue reading

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