Frivolous Friday – Olivia: Week Two

It’s been two weeks since we picked up a shy calico kitten named Olivia in the parking lot of our local humane society from her rescuer, the director of ResQcats. She’d been spayed minutes earlier and was ready to go home. I remember leaving my cats overnight after spaying.

We’d already known Olivia for five weeks through pictures, videos, and messages. And how we yearned to have her with us, but she’d just been rescued from under a house with her siblings and needed to complete her vet checks, kitten shots and spaying. It was a case of ringworm that kept her from coming home to us for an additional three weeks. She stayed at the rescue center—quite comfortably in lovely condos, mind you—while being treated with meds and spa days. Yes, extreme baths with lots of massaging every other day for the whole litter.

While we were missing those weeks getting to know our new furry family member, she was becoming more and more accustomed to and attached to the human touch. I saw a video of her getting her bath and she was actually purring.

We brought her home prepared to keep her separated in a small kitten-safe room while we socialized with her and gave her and Sophie-kitty the opportunity to get acquainted through scent. The progress was quite surprising and gentle and heartwarming, probably mostly due to the intimate treatments and the loving attention of Jeffyne and her volunteer.

On the third night, Olivia chose to sleep with me and she has every night since. While many cats, especially kittens, get the “zoomies” at night, for Olivia lights out (darkness) means settling down, being quiet, and snuggling. At least for now. One thing I’ve learned about cats is that just when they’ve trained you to accept an aspect of their behavior, it changes.

It’s hard to believe that we’ve had Olivia in our home for only two weeks as she has adapted so nicely and she fits in so well. Not only that, she already knows the rules and how to break them. Isn’t that part of the code of the cat? Oh there are minor challenges with Olivia. She’s adorable and sweet and affectionate, but she’s a calico and she’s a cat and she’s very smart—read headstrong and stubborn about some issues. It’s okay, she has our number and I’m sure she’ll have us trained in no time. Meanwhile, we absolutely adore the tiny being named Olivia. I’m so thankful I said YES when Jeffyne sent me a picture of this sweet being. And I so look forward to keeping her healthy, safe, and happy in her forever home. I’m telling you, her snuggles are the best and her antics keep us energized with joy. What a delight!

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