Monthly Archives: August 2019

Frivolous Friday – Try Leaving Home Without It

First an announcement: Book 37–Cats and Caboodle–is ready for you to read on your ebook devise. Available now at amazon. ENJOY!!! One day last week I walked into my bedroom and found Sophie having a euphoric moment with a blouse … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Props for Photographing Your Pets

Last week I posted a close up of Lily on my facebook page and people seemed to love it. She is a pretty girl. But she and Sophie aren’t always easy to photograph. Some of my favorite pictures of my … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Silly Lily

Today I’m simply sharing photos of Lily in awkward, cute, funny, crazy, silly poses. Like most cats, she can imitate a pretzel, fall asleep in the most unlikely positions, become a wet noodle or strike a goofy pose. An alert … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cat News From Around the World

You might not realize how much is being written about cats—not only on the Internet, but in scientific journals, and other magazines. Here’s a story describing how a researcher strapped video cameras onto 16 cats and turned them loose to … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – 79 at 79 (New Klepto Cat Mystery)

No I’m not here to blog about some crazy mathematic equation today. These numbers relate to an accomplishment of mine—actually two accomplishments. I just published my 79th book after just turning 79 years old. I don’t know if we need … Continue reading

Posted in Announcement, Cat Books | 1 Comment

Frivolous Friday – Your Favorite Cat!

What’s your most unusual cat replica—you know something useful or decorative that’s shaped like a cat or has a cat on it? Do people give you cat-related gifts? Do you buy clothing and knick-knacks depicting cats or with a cat … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Sophie’s 15! How Can That Be?

Dear Sophie, it seems like we just brought you home from the veterinarian who spayed you and determined that you would adjust nicely to a home atmosphere. He opted not to return you to the streets where you were found … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Interesting Pets, Living With Cats | 2 Comments

Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – The Sleeping Cat

Don’t you love a sleeping cat? I mean a cat that’s sound asleep seemingly without a care in the world or a bone in their body as they stretch out, curl up, or drape themselves in interesting positions. Cats are … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – How Many Cats are Too Many?

I believe we all have our cat limit—the number of cats we can successfully embrace on our property, in our home, or in our hearts. I know people who have upwards of twenty cats and take excellent care of them. … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Where Oh Where Do All Those Ideas Come From?

People who have followed my career as a freelance article writer and now the author of the Klepto Cat Mysteries often ask, “Where do you get all those ideas?” It’s sometimes a mystery to me how I can finish one … Continue reading

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