Category Archives: About Cats

Meowy Monday – Keep Your Cats Close

I’m interested in some of the judge shows on TV—well, an author needs a break from writing and the curiosities that come up in some of the cases keep the brain active. Sometimes you see cases to determine custody of … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Are Cats Really Aloof?

It used to be that the cat’s nature, when compared to that of a dog, was described as aloof (distant, detached, unfriendly, remote, unapproachable, snooty). Does this describe your cat(s)? I didn’t think so. There’s new evidence and beliefs about … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Support Your Local Cat Shelter

Monday we discussed what you can do to protect the feral cats and homeless neighborhood cats. If you aren’t aware of needy cats in your area, and you’d like to help cats, consider reaching out to one or more local … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Provide a Cozy House for an Outdoor Cat

Winter’s not over yet and there are still cats living out of doors without shelter. You may be aware of some in your neighborhood, and you want to help, but how? Build or buy a cat shelter. You can purchase … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Are Adventuring Cats a Thing?

For many of us traveling or adventuring cats seem like a far-fetched concept meant for fiction only, but there actually are cats that travel and love it. They fly on planes, go hiking, kayaking, horseback riding and more, much like … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – How Our View of Cats Has Changed Over Time

I’ve noticed it and, if you’ve been on this planet for any length of time, you probably have too. Our view and behavior with cats has changed. Let me count the ways. We’ve become aware that many thousands of cats … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day

We all wonder what our cat is thinking and sometimes we don’t really want to know. Some people believe that cats might actually have questions of their own and because of that, a day has been set aside for us … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Who Loves Cats?

Have you ever stopped to wonder why humans are attracted to cats (or dogs or iguanas)? Is it a certain personality who falls in love with cats? There are those who believe our housecats remind us of wild cats—tigers, lions … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Kiss a Ginger Cat Day

Most avid cat people have had a ginger (marmalade, orange tabby, red) cat in their lives. I know several ginger cats, and I’d sure kiss anyone of them, except for a small orange tabby named Rocket who used to live … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Does Your Cat Have Healing Paws?

Have you ever adopted or found a cat at just the right time in your life—a time when you needed the companionship or even physical or emotional healing? It has happened to me more than once. Maybe when we are … Continue reading

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