Category Archives: About Cats

Meowy Monday – Let’s Honor the Hard-Working Cat Rescue Angels

A few days ago I received the winter edition of Paws for the News, a beautifully done newsletter put out by RESQCATS of Santa Barbara. I have to admit this is not the only newsletter I receive from cat rescue … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Happy National Cat Lover’s Month

December is National Cat Lover’s Month—something most of us celebrate all year long and have for all of our lives. And the more cats we get to know and the more time we spend observing them, the more deeply we … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – New Breakthrough on a Cat’s Purr

You’ve probably read numerous articles stating that no one actually knows what makes a cat purr—how it is mechanically possible. Finally researchers decided that the purr is caused by the relaxing of muscles around the larynx. Makes sense. But there … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Oh, the Difference a Cat Can Make

Have you ever invited a cat in or brought one home from a shelter or rescued one from a box of kittens in front of a grocery store and realized later that it was meant to be? How often have … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – How Do You Have Fun With Your Cat?

Thanksgiving is over. You are probably one of many who either entertained at home or you spent time in the kitchen preparing a dish to share and had dinner away from home. Either way, it surely upset your cat’s daily … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Other-Abled Cats

We all know that animals, especially, can often overcome a weakness by strengthening another aspect of their body or senses to compensate. One of my grandson’s and his wife adopted a beautiful part Maine coon male after he had many … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Adventuring Cats

Those of you who read my Klepto Cat and Calico Cat mysteries know that I have my cat stars do some pretty wild and crazy things in these stories. They ride horses, go hiking, do a lot of exploring and … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – What’s a Klinefelter Cat?

Klinefelter is actually a syndrome. You’ve heard of it before, but maybe not by that name. I actually stumbled across the term this week by accident. So what does it mean? It’s the term for a male cat that happens … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – How to Trim a Cat’s Claws  

Do you trim your cats’ claws, do you take her to a groomer, or do you wait until your next vet visit and have them do it? I’ve done all three. My tip, based on my own experiences is, it … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Cats Doing Interesting Things

Cats are smart. Some of us have had cats all our lives and we’ve witnessed some incredible things our cats have done. We’re also exposed to clever and creative cats through the internet—things I don’t remember ever seeing a cat … Continue reading

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