Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Just for Laughs

If you’re still trying to get your bearing in this new year—wondering how it’s going to pan out for you and your beloved family and friends and cats…If you’re feeling a little shell-shocked by what happened last year and are hesitant or flat out unable to relax into 2021… If you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop and wonder if you’ll ever feel safe around people again…you’re not alone. Not that that helps. You feel how you feel. It’s been difficult for us all in one way or a thousand.

They say laughter is the best medicine and I think most of you can recall times when laughter really did change your life—if even just for a moment. Well, today I’m offering you some of our favorite medicine—cats that will make you smile and, if you’re like me, laugh out loud. Enjoy!


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