Those of us who clean litter boxes every day, wipe up urfed fur balls, endlessly vacuum and sweep and dust cat fur and litter, also receive wonderful benefits of having cats around. We love watching them, interacting with them, snuggling with them. They make us smile and sometimes laugh. We each experience our own level of joy because we have cats in our homes and our hearts. But did you know that there are some solid scientific reasons for enveloping ourselves in the
company of cats?
Sure, you’ve heard that being around cats can lower your stress level. Well, here’s a graph that shows even more positive effects you may be getting from your cat. If you break a bone, for example, your purring cat can help it heal. Sound far-fetched. Check out the site and see what you think.
Other studies show that a cat’s purr can relieve depression and serve as a means of general pain relief. Hey, maybe we should learn how to purr. Naw, it’s much more fun and comforting to let the cat be the healer.