Mindful Monday—Is Your Cat Happy?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACats, perhaps more than any other animal, seem to express moods. Sure, there are those who claim cats are aloof, end of discussion. But when you’re privileged with a connection to a special cat, you know the truth. Cats have feelings, too.

You know when your cat is happy, worried, distrusting, sad/mourning, frightened, stressed. And when you love a cat, you want her to experience only joy. It hurts your heart to see her show signs of separation anxiety, for example. It’s cute when Lily climbs into my suitcase as I pack for a trip, but when I look into her eyes, I know she knows what that suitcase mean… “I’m going to be without Mom.”

How can you tell if your cat is happy? A cat that seems engaged, is interested in what goes on around her, is well-groomed, and who seems confident, is generally a happy cat. When a cat begins to miss the litter box, hide out, complain vocally, and/or is not eating, he or she is probably not feeling well and may, in fact, be depressed or just plain sad. Here are two good articles explaining how to tell if your cat is happy and how to determine if your cat is sad.

Happy cat: http://cats.about.com/od/amyshojai/a/How-to-Know-Your-Kitty-is-Happy.htm

Sad cat: http://cats.about.com/od/amyshojai/a/How-to-Know-Kitty-is-Sad.htm

Amazon is promoting my Klepto Cat Mysteries again–Thank you Amazon. Did any of you receive the notice overnight promoting my latest books in the series, A MEOWvelous Witness? It’s featured along with a couple of other Klepto Cat Mysteries and cozy mysteries by Leighann Dobbs, Karen Ann Golden, Nancy C. Davis and Sofie Ryan.

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