Bring Your Best Game Thursday—Finding Meaningful Phrases and Nest-Watching

Meow For Money-cover-final-1000pxWhen you read some of the Klepto Cat Mysteries, did you come across any phrases or quotes that struck you? I’m sometimes asked to share quotes from this series and I’m at a loss as to phrases that might be considered unique, poignant, spot-on, to the point, or just plain memorable. So I thought some of you who’ve read the books might be able to help me.

Leave a comment here or email me.

In the meantime, I want to tell you about an interesting pastime being pursued this

Sophie and Friend

Sophie and Friend

spring—one that I’m certainly involved in—bird-watching. For quite a while, I’ve been watching birds from my deck at home and checking out the birds living in the areas where I walk, but this year, I’m also spying on birds in their nests. Nest-watching seems to be a new national pastime, as interested bystanders tune in on the webcams placed near hummingbird, owl, hawk, and other bird nests. I’m particularly fascinated with the eagles nesting out at the Channel Islands off the California coast. Is anyone else keeping an eye on a bird nest somewhere?

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