How many things can be molded into a cat form? Is there anything in the marketplace today that doesn’t or can’t depict a cat? Personally, I have dozens of items representing cats. Sure I’ve purchased a few of them, but many were gifts. If you adore cats (or dogs, horses, pigs, frogs, or collect fairies, stars, hearts), you know what I’m talkin’ about.
I have cat jewelry, refrigerator magnets, dishes, mouse pad, screen chamois, a visor with kitty cat paws, calendars, posters, cat-food-scooper, clothes, pillow, and even a cat overnight bag. A friend made me a wooden bowl with a sleeping cat carved in the center and my sister gave me an adorable stool with a seat that looks like a sleeping cat. I have a cat birdbath, a patio cat that glows in the dark and an ordinary rock with a cat painted on it.
My unintentional collection includes stuffed cats, a cat doorstop, and a cat-shaped brush

for the cats. Now that I’m writing cat fiction, I’m coming into possession of even more cats—someone gave me a sweater with cats on it, and a scarf decorated with cats, cat flip-flops, and even a cat toilet brush holder.
I have dresser scarves and hand towels with cats and a lot of cat figurines, including Hummels and Llardroes. It’s beginning to look like a cat museum around here. I imagine some of you can relate. And how do I feel about being surrounded by all these cat depictions? I find them charming and I’m glad I don’t have to feed (and clean up after) all those cats.