Category Archives: Living With Cats

Feline Fun Friday – More Cats I’ve Met While Out and About

As I’ve mentioned, I have a large collection of pictures of cats I meet as I walk, shop, visit, garden and so forth. Here are a few I met while visiting relatives last weekend. The family I visited said the … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Does My Cat Have Dementia?

Even the most predictable cats might change in subtle or noticeable ways as they age, but do cats get dementia? According to the experts, some do. I’ve provided a link to a good article on the topic. Meanwhile, let’s discuss … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – How to Leave Your Cat

It’s not easy, is it, to go off on vacation, an overnight business or pleasure trip, or even for a day outing and leave your cat with those wide-eyes and questioning look behind. Of course she has everything she needs … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Rainbow Bridge Appreciation Day

Today is Rainbow Bridge Appreciation Day—a day to remember those cats and dogs we loved and who have gone to that special place we call the Rainbow Bridge. Deborah Barnes, former president and active member in the Cat Writer’s Association, … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Cats and Kids/Kids and Cats

Don’t you love seeing pictures of kids loving their cats? There are videos all over the internet showing toddlers gleefully hugging, napping with, or playing with their cats. Is there anything cuter? Just this week my grand-niece shared a photo … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – International Cat Day

Yes, it’s yet another celebration of cats. Tomorrow, August 8 is International Cat Day (not to be confused with National Cat Day, International Rescue Cat Day, National Dress Your Cat Day and around twenty others) came about in 2002. If … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Meet the Robot Cat Sitter

No, I did not make this up. There is such an animal. Well, it’s not actually an animal it’s more like a human and its purpose is to entertain and care for a cat in your absence. The robot is … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – What’s New For Cats

As you know cats are a big deal and big business. Companies are coming up with more and more ideas for consumers with cats. While doing some research the other day for a story I discovered that there are wipes … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Olivia: Fact or Fiction          

Olivia turns three years old this week. She was a COVID baby, coming to us in 2020 as a kitten after being found living under a house, and after having to undergo weeks of ringworm treatment—which means frequent baths. She … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Do You Dress up Like a Cat?

How far will you go with cat motif outfits? (Cat hair on your clothes doesn’t count. I have socks, skirts, blouses, pajamas, scarves, slippers, and visors with cats or jungle-cat print. Most of it was given to me. But I’ve … Continue reading

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