My cell phone probably has more pictures of cats than anything else, unless it’s great grandkids. I take a lot of pictures of Olivia, of course, but I also adore taking pictures of neighborhood cats and cats I come across while shopping or traveling or just taking a walk.
I photograph cats in doorways, peering out windows, and sitting on porches. When I see a cat among flowers or even cactus, I grab my phone/camera. Recently I’ve taken pictures of cats crossing the street—ever notice how focused they are about getting to the other side? I’ve
photographed cats eating on a back porch, making their way through long grass, lolling in the sunshine, looking at the world from
amidst tree branches, working as mousers at a packing house, entertaining shoppers in a pet store, wandering around a nursery, stalking birds in the neighborhood, sitting on a fence. Recently I got to photograph a cat named Morty who was camping at a local campground with his people.
I’ve done photo shoots with a cat on a leash at the beach, a library cat, a bookstore cat, lost cats, homebody cats, shelter cats, cats on ranches, and even cats at conferences. I’ve had meals with cats in fancy restaurants, and I’ve visited cat daycare facilities.
Today I’m sharing some of the photos I’ve taken while out and about. Enjoy.
I always enjoy these segments. We don’t see many cats out in our neighborhood anymore, which is good considering there are coyotes nearby, but it makes for a boring walk.
Oh yes, the coyotes. We have them too and I dislike the fact that people are letting their cats roam, but yeah, it’s a treat for us to see them.