Feline Fun Friday – Your Cat’s Birthday

I have friends and family who love their birthday’s so much they’ll even plan their own party, and others who go into hiding when their birthday nears. Most cats seem to fit into the latter category when it comes to celebrating their birthday.

Oh, they might like receiving a new toy or special treats, but few cats relish a shopping trip to PetCo, going on leash to a park for a frolic, having people or pets over to celebrate with them—especially those annoying poodles from next door or Aunt Martha’s persnickety cat. Most cats I’ve ever known would rather hide out until the birthday hullaballoo has ended.

Do you celebrate your cat’s birthday? Have you found a way to make it as enjoyable for your cat as it is for you?

We celebrated our precious tabby, Lily’s, one-year birthday by inviting neighborhood children in to have cake with her. She loved it. Lily adored watching the small children in the neighborhood outside the windows growing up. We took care of a toddler one day a week during that time and boy-oh-boy-oh-boy did Lily love that little girl. They played together with building blocks, in elaborate sheet tents we constructed around the living room, in sewing and painting and cookie-baking projects…Whatever the toddler was doing, Lily was right there in the middle of things. I even made Lily a cape to match the child’s one day when they were playing some super-power game.

So it followed that children should attend Lily’s first birthday party. How did it go? Lily was just a bit overwhelmed, but she certainly got a lot of attention that day. Good memories.


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