Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday –New Klepto Cat Book

Book 51 of the Klepto Cat Mystery Series is ready for your reading pleasure. Calico Calamities is available in print form for purchase at Amazon.com. The Kindle version is on the way. In this story, I’ve invited Olivia, my charming, quirky calico, to join Glori, the Iveys’ resident calico and Rags in some wild and crazy adventures.

Here’s how I describe this story:

Rags meets his match in a pert and sassy calico.

The stunning, savvy, and colorful Olivia visits the Iveys and quickly teams up with Rags in some fascinating and gripping catscapades. Together the feline duo paw the unlikely culprit in a troubling theft. They save an injured cat at a rescue shelter, and they expose a well-kept personal family secret. Ultimately, sparks fly and minds are changed when Rags and Olivia show their tough stuff and enlighten a group of misinformed protesters about the reality of intuitive and discerning cats.

I know you can’t wait to read it. I can’t wait for you to read it. It was a fun process working Olivia into the series. I hope you enjoy meeting her in all of her quirky glory.

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1 Response to Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday –New Klepto Cat Book

  1. Pearl T Hilden says:

    Olivia will likely ask to be your co-writer:)

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