Thoughts for Thursday – A Feline’s Favorites

lilycatblanketDoes your cat have a favorite toy, cat bed, place to sleep, hiding place, person, animal friend, visitor, treat? Did she get something for Christmas that she adores? Or did you get something for Christmas that she adores?

I received a plush blanket from my grandniece and Lily has taken it over, as you can see. I don’t know if it is the plushness…coziness…of the blanket that appeals to Lily or if it is all of the cats on it, but she does love this blanket.

This time of year when it gets cooler, we drape blankets over some of the furniture for Sophie and Lily. They love to climb under the blankets for a long winter’s nap where it’s warm and where they feel protected. They aren’t interested in these “tents” in the summer. But boy do they gravitate to them in the colder months. We always leave heavy blanket-tents for them when we’re going to be gone long enough that we turn off the heater during winter or turn it down considerably.

Sophie always ALWAYS runs and hides when company comes—especially children. One IMG_0583day during the holidays, we had visitors with kids. Sophie was in one of her tents in a chair in the living room when they arrived and she stayed there the whole time the guests were here—in the same room. I guess she felt secure and invisible.

Sophie will venture out from her hiding place to see certain guests, but most of our family and friends have never seen her. She doesn’t hide from anyone who has spent the night here. And there are a couple of neighborhood men who don’t frighten her. She doesn’t climb in their lap or anything, but she will enter the room when they’re here.

Lily has learned from Sophie and another hidey cat we had to run when the doorbell rings. But if she hears children’s voices among the guests, she’ll come out to greet them. She loves kids. She’s wary, but quite interested in them. Her all-time favorite people are those who interacted with her a lot when she was a kitten. She always comes out to see them. Of course, I’m her favorite person in the whole world and boy do I love that honor. Lily and I have our rituals and if I forget a step, she sure reminds me. She follows me like a puppy. When she was a mere kitten, she used to walk with me between my feet. It was awkward, but awfully cute. Still today, when she’s not in my lap, she’s lying at my feet.


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