Thoughts for Thursday – Neighborhood Cats

photogeorgeI love my inside kitties and I advocate for cats to be loved inside the home—only to go out on a harness and leash or a cat-proof outdoor pen or catio. But I do enjoy seeing neighborhood cats out and about. Here are a few who grace our neighborhood.

George is a tangerine-colored female Maine JoyIMG_1828coon cat from New York. From what I hear, she handled the road trip to her new home in California with grace and confidence. She was an inside-outside kitty, who was ultimately banned from the house because she wouldn’t stop eating plastic. She cost her family plenty in vet bills (they found a large piece of a toy in her intestines once) and in replacement wiring and hook-ups for their electronics. She has adapted to the out of doors.

George’s yard-buddy is Joy—a skittish kitty with a Siamese heritage who was born at a California beach.

nora-kitties-001Here are a few additional photos of cats I see hanging meadowssept30-074out around the neighborhood.

I read recently that a cat that is kept inside lives on average five years longer than an outside only cat.

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