This is pet hydration awareness month—did you know there was such a designation? While most dogs seem to be water-drinkers, cats aren’t generally as interested in the old water hole. You may recall my post for June 6, this year and the one I wrote in March of 2010 featuring cats and water, where I report that some cats have a natural curiosity…maybe even fascination for water. And some, such as those with abnormal kidney function, for example, can become water-guzzlers.
Here are a couple of tips I picked up from the posts noted below: Animals needs one ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. And it’s important to use bowls that can’t be easily tipped. I learned this after adopting a water-baby kitten who drank water with his paws. He was constantly spilling his water. Because of Winfield, I now supply 3 pottery bowls, such as those usually found in a rabbit’s cage, for our two cats. They don’t easily tip, they hold a good supply of water, and they tend to keep the water cool. We also have a fountain for our huge water-drinker, Lily.
Here are a couple of interesting posts designed to educate pet owners about keeping their pets safe even during the hot summer months.
Here’s a good site for learning more about dehydration in cats. http://www.cat-world.com.au/dehydration-in-cats
Tomorrow, we will discuss heat-related illnesses in pets.