Cats in the News

lily-with-treats-030Cats are marvelous creatures. They’re cute, puffy, little things. Some, of course, are more sleek and rather aristocratic. And most of them are curious, have a great sense of humor, and a sensitive side.

Cats are a curiosity and they’re often in the news. I read a while back the percentage of uTube videos that involve cats—it’s amazingly high. On last night’s newscast, they showed a cat who helps electricians pull wire into small passageways. We’ve all seen videos of klepto cats burglarizing the neighborhood and we’ve heard of cats traveling long distances on their own or while caught in a crate or a car engine. We read stories of cats outsmarting dogs, cats befriending dogs (and other animals), cats who are sensitive to emotions and even illness. Some claim cats can heal. They can also act as watch-animals.

Our cats, for example, let us know by their actions or stance when someone is approaching our front door or driving into our driveway. They certainly alert us when the neighborhood terrorist cat is around. And they always form a circle around one of us when it’s treat or meal time.

Smokey, AKA the Klepto Cat

Smokey, AKA the Klepto Cat

I write cozy mysteries featuring cats and the scenes involving cats are inspired by my cats, cats I’ve known, and those I’ve read about or heard about.

If you enjoy cats and a good light mystery, pick up one of my Klepto Cat Mystery books—any one—and sit down for an enjoyable read.

Book 13, A Picture-Purrfect Christmas is the featured book for the season. We came out with it in Kindle format as well as print for holiday giving. Order your copies here: or go straight to amazon.


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