Happy Birthday to Max

Happy Birthday to Max, Happy Birthday to Max.

Yup, he’s 11 years old already and he’s fighting all of the fanfare. Actually, I think he would rather be remembered as a svelte young cat, as is reflected in the photo of him in the last blog post, April 14, 2009, and those accompanying his stories in Catscapades, Tales of Ordinary and Extraordinary Cats. Here, he looks more like the grumpy old man cat that he is.

In Catscapades, Tales of Ordinary and Extraordinary Cats, you can read how Max used to spend his days, which is a far cry from how he lives his life today—snuggling under the blankets in the bed by day and sleeping on the end of the bed on his cozy afghan by night. He just reminded me that he does help in my office when he feels like it. He’s the chief paperweight—a task that he has perfected. He keeps me alert by hiding my pen when I’m not looking. Usually, I find it in the waste basket. He’s a good shot. He also keeps a close eye on the birds outside the office window, making sure no one gets more than his fair share of the seed. And he makes sure that I get regular breaks during the early morning hours when he’s on duty, by walking or standing in front of my computer screen at regular intervals.

Max and I have been together since we rescued him from the wild life when he was only a wee kitten. I should have known that he would be a bit of a challenge when I saw him use his mother’s food plate as a litterbox one day. Sigh!

But when we commit to a cat, we love him no matter what, right? And we’ve loved Max for 11 years and counting. So Happy Birthday Big Guy.

Learn more about Max and about 40 other cats in Catscapades, Tales of Ordinary and Extraordinary Cats. The only place you can get it is through Matilija Press at http://www.matilijapress.com/catscapades.html. Order your ebook or comb bound book today. It will affect you.

My sister-in-law called this week to tell me that reading the book made her want to get another cat and she is currently trying to adopt one through her local humane society. Others comment that the stories are uplifting. Those who don’t have cats say they have a greater appreciation for cats since reading the book.

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