Cats are a Contradiction

Cats don't like water.

Cats don’t like water.

I find cats to be practically the most interesting creatures on the planet. A cat can emulate an acrobat, zen master, and comedian all in the same afternoon. She can be a loyal companion one minute and aloof the next. She is independent, until she needs you. Cats are described as mysterious, cautious, curious, patient, stubborn, vicious, gentle, and smart. They are graceful, except for when they’re clumsy. Most cats are active and they can be lazy. They’re clean, but love to roll in the dirt—mud is even better. Cats are contortionists. Most of all, cats can be a contradiction.

I enjoy writing about cats. I use my own cats and other cats I’ve known as models for the cats that appear in my Klepto Cat Mysteries. There are 7 in the series so far. Number eight is scheduled for release as a Kindle book this month. If you haven’t read any of the Klepto Cat Mystery series, maybe now’s the time to get started.

Ask for an Amazon gift card for the holidays and order the Kindle or print version of

Winfield Found a Warm Spot

Cats are afraid of the vacuum cleaner.

Catnapped, Cat-Eye Witness, Sleight of Paw, and Undercover Cat. If you use a Kindle, you can also read The Colony Cat Caper, Celebrity Cat Caper, and The Corral Cat Caper. Don’t miss out on the fun. Get involved in some of the most memorable cozy mysteries on the market. You’ll never forget Rags, the kleptomaniac cat who helps to solve local crimes. The human characters are also nice to know.

If you want a pleasant read with only a little terror, and if you adore cats—or at least find them fascinating—the Klepto Cat Mysteries are for you.

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