Meowy Monday – Will the Real Olivia Please Stand up

You’ve read at least some of the Calico Cat Mysteries and you’ve fallen in love with Olivia. You know that the fictional Olivia is based on the real Olivia, who lives right here with me. But I’m sure you wonder how closely I’ve patterned the fictional Olivia after the real Olivia. How similar are they? Let me count the ways:

The two Olivia’s look exactly alike. Yes, we use Olivia’s actual image on the book covers. Beautiful, isn’t she?

Like the fictional Olivia, our Olivia loves to snuggle, but can be aloof. She’s curious, fascinated by what goes on outdoors, but isn’t allowed to go outdoors. She’s smart. She usually comes running when you call her name and we have some routines that she happily participates in. She’s not a great eater, but, like the fictional Olivia maintains a weight of 10 pounds. She actually does leap high against a wall occasionally. Maybe practicing to fly—who knows? She has her routines and she insists that we be a part of them–like everyone is to meet-up in the living room at 3 pm sharp. If you lag, she comes to get you.

Olivia talks to me. We have some lingering conversations that neither of us knows what they’re about, but Olivia’s not all that vocal, just when she wants to get our attention or has something to say.

The differences between the two Olivia’s are numerous: Our Olivia does not wear a harness and doesn’t walk on a leash. She’s afraid of a lot of things, including a car ride. She won’t sleep in a cat bed. I’ve offered several. She wants to be on my bed or under it. She’s not a social cat. Born and adopted in 2020, she was not socialized outside of with us. We tried to introduce her to people through the window, but that didn’t go well. So obviously our Olivia is not friendly with others. Neither is she a traveler or an adventurer.

A lot of what I write about Olivia is strictly fiction and, in some cases, wishful thinking. But she’s not quite four-years-old, so maybe there’s hope that she will become social with more people. She does like her cat sitters and she’s becoming accustomed to our house cleaners, but it breaks my heart to see her fearful. Her latest fear is rain. I believe that came about after a huge clap of thunder during a rain not too long ago. Now any rain worries her.

So there you have it. The fictional Olivia is our Olivia on steroids and I have to say I love them both.

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1 Response to Meowy Monday – Will the Real Olivia Please Stand up

  1. Bernadette says:

    I like to make up stories about what is frightening and what they may be thinking. And sometimes even what may have sparked that fear. Some people say that tri-color cats–calicos and torties–have a distinctly aloof and sometimes adversarial, regularly unpredictable purrsonality. I have never found any of that to be true, or any more true than any other feline I lived with or fostered. All the ones who lived with me were absolute loves.

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