Newsday Tuesday – Cats Need Love, Too

I’d like to share two happy cat stories today. One involves a cat who found her way home because of a chip—and I don’t mean a potato chip. The second story tells of cats changing minds and lives.

Muffin disappeared from her home in North Carolina about the time Hurricane Matthew hit. His owner Laken Read, was pretty upset because Muffin was the first cat she ever loved. Muffin came to Laken as a kitten when Laken was just four years old. Muffin was up there in age when she disappeared and the family had little hope of ever seeing her again, except for micro-chipping. Yes, Muffin had been chipped and that’s how she found her way back home.

She hadn’t traveled far. She’d found a home with another family a short distance away, where she lived for the next four years. When she became sick, that caring family took her to the veterinarian and that’s when it was discovered that she had a chip—a chip that would lead her back to her beginnings.

I loved this next story of cat spa day for a couple of reasons. One is because the man in the story started out disliking cats. When Kareem Khalil met Fifi Furrha, there were no cats in the picture. She adopted one, however, and expected that he would be pleased. He was not. He expected that she would find another home for the cat when they married. She did not and, guess what, he fell in love with the cat—so much so, that they adopted two more. They became so enthralled with their cats that, during the pandemic, they began featuring them on the internet. I got a kick out of their recent spa day video showing their cats getting the full treatment of a spa day.

I think you’ll enjoy seeing Skye, Millie, and Chase enjoying the soft music while lying perfectly still under a sheet with cucumber slices on their eyes.

When asked who does the most spoiling of the cats in that household now, Fifi says it is definitely her new husband. Here’s more about the viral cat spa day.

Yeah, I thought you’d enjoy some uplifting catiness. (By the way, the photos I chose for today’s blog have nothing to do with the story, I just thought you’d enjoy the kittens.


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