Frivolous Friday–You know You’re Sick When…

Again I must apologize for being absent. I’m still struggling with some sort of virus. Been to the doctor–got antibiotics–got worse before finally feeling better. I’m not used to this and I don’t like it. Even neighbors are saying they’re just not accustomed to not seeing me heading out for my daily walk or puttering around the garden or chatting over the fence with a neighbor or a neighbor’s cat. But it is true. I’m sick.

You know you’re sick when:

…the cats won’t even come near.

…you decline visits from your grandchildren.

…you would rather eat a bowl of chicken soup than a pulled pork sandwich with cole slaw and a piece of lemon meringue pie.

…you hear the neighborhood red tail hawks screeching overhead and don’t feel like running out to watch them.

…you don’t care if there are dishes on the kitchen counter.

…you forget to make coffee.

…you fall asleep while watching a cute kitten video on your phone.

…you aren’t well enough to accompany your daughter when she has cancer surgery.

…you haven’t physically checked in on your only sister (who recently had a stroke) in over a month and she only lives 30 minutes away.

…you own face masks and will use them to protect others.

…you don’t want a cat near you. (Yes, there were a couple of times there…)

…you find yourself googling the coronavirus symptoms. (Wellllll…..)

…you don’t feel like writing. (Now that’s just plain sad.)

Hope to be back soon folks. I have a lot more writing to do for you.


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4 Responses to Frivolous Friday–You know You’re Sick When…

  1. Pearl T. Hilden says:

    Get well soon! I was also down with a sore throat and hacking cough for the past week. Nasty bugs!

  2. Betsy Pompi says:

    Please Get Well Soon, we all miss you.

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