Frivolous Friday – How to Show Your Kitty Love

This is the first day of the sweetest month of the year. Don’t we all look forward to Valentine’s Day? Thinking back upon my childhood, Valentine’s Day was among my most memorable of holidays. Oh there are sweet memories of family Thanksgiving, May day (when we danced around the maypole—do they do that anymore?), and of course Christmas. But there was nothing like being given a whole package of cute Valentine cards and spending hours choosing the right one for each of my classmates and friends.

I adored receiving cards of any kind and still do. I remember the wonderful, ornate, old-fashioned cards Grandma used to send for all occasions. I still love sending and receiving cards.

Well, last week a neighbor left a box of the sweetest, old-fashioned-looking Valentine cards on our doorstep and I can’t wait to send them to special family and friends this year. If I can let them go. I look at them every evening—each one different and oh, so beautiful—several with cats on them. Heck, maybe I’ll end up keeping them and creating a heart-shaped collage so I can enjoy them every day of the year. Hmmm. A dilemma—to share or to keep. To share or to keep. I’ll let you know what I decide.

In the meantime, I want to share a site that came to my attention this week. It gives you ideas for showing kitty love to your own cats as well as those in your community that need a human touch and compassion.

Here are a few of the things you can do to show kitty love. Click on the link for others that might resonate with you. Save your change for a local cat shelter. They can always use donations. Speaking of which, if you have used cat items that you no longer need—blankets, beds, cat food that hasn’t expired, toys, etc., pass them along to a shelter. Treat your own cat to a water fountain or a catio. Create a cardboard box obstacle course for your kitties. Oooooh, I can’t wait to do that one. You might foster kittens. And especially in times of disaster or a major hoarding situation the local shelters are dealing with, how about delivering food and refreshment for the tireless workers in the trenches. Here are many more ideas for showing kitty love in your home or your community.

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