Mindful Monday—Kitten on the Keyboard

Last week we talked about cats in the office. As comforting, sweet, and fun as it can be to have a cat or two (in some cases several) keeping you company in your home office, there are hazards. A favorite pen might go missing, the cat shreds your incoming fax messages, he knocks an important note into the waste basket, she might fall off the desk…and then there are the dreaded dangers. Place your latte or tall glass of lemonade too close to your computer and the cat will inadvertently (or purposely) bump it—spilling it into your keyboard and, heaven forbid, all over your computer. Ever have that happen?

There’s also the issue of cat fur getting into the computer. Do you clean the little vent on the side of your computer often? If you’re like most cat owners, you have to open the computer up from time to time to clean out the cat hair. And what about the wheels on your office chair–ever run over your poor kitty’s tail?

My biggest fear is the kitten (or large cat) on the keyboard. Ah, yes, cats do like to do a little typing of their own. My Himalayan, Katy, once stepped on the wrong key and the entire book manuscript I was working on disappeared before my eyes. Panic!!! I was able to hit a key that brought it back. Whew!!! Since then I have fashioned a cover for my keyboard for when I’m not using it. We extended the lid from a box of typing paper to fit over my ergonomic keyboard. Works purrfectly. Have you had any “Kitten on the Keys” CATastrophes?

Some pets chew cords and other plastic and rubber items. I know a cat who has been banned from the house because of her taste for this activity.

For those of you with a kitten in the house, contemplating adopting a kitten, or with a cat who has a hankering for plastic, here’s a site showing how to protect your electronic “gadgets” https://lifehacker.com/how-can-i-protect-my-gadgets-from-pets-755556722 Here’s another one: https://www.consumeraffairs.com/news/how-to-protect-your-electronics-from-your-cat-030413.html

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