Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – How Does Your Cat Express Herself?

Does your cat use facial expressions? Can you tell by looking at her when she’s contented, angry, irritated, frightened? Some cats, it seems, display a larger array of expressions than others. In fact, I’ve known cats who seem to have the same look on their face no matter what their body language is saying.

While most cats use their eyes to communicate, there’s actually more mood expressed in their ears, the placement of their tail and the way they position themselves. There’s the crouch, roll-over, arched back, straight sitting body formations that reveal what a cat is focusing on or thinking about. And the slink, saunter, trot, dart, skitter, and racing movements cats use that speak volumes, if only we’re paying attention.

I got a dose of body language Sunday morning and it wasn’t a pretty picture. I tried to sleep in, and Lily and Sophie were patient only to a point. Usually, I get up pretty much on their schedule. Not because of the cats as much as, it’s a habit I’ve fallen into. And I’m greeted by sweet-spirited kitties, happy to see me and eager for breakfast. Every morning Lily greets me nose to nose with her tail waving. She welcomes my affectionate petting and seems to express her pleasure at seeing me awake and her joy at facing a new day.

Sunday morning was different, however. By the time I turned on the bedside lamp, Lily’s back was to me and her tail was swishing. Swishing! She was not happy with me.

Does your cat roll over on her back at your feet in a submissive, “rub my tummy” way? Does she cower when you reach out to pet her head? Maybe he sits across the room and stares into your eyes. Do you know what his expressions mean?

Lily’s eyes seem to reveal when she’s contented, sad, worried, frightened, even a little annoyed. Although I might not always read her correctly. When I think she’s telling me, “There you are; I’m so happy to see you. I missed you terribly,” she might actually be saying, “It’s about time you got home. Do you see what time it is? I didn’t get my lunch!”


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2 Responses to Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – How Does Your Cat Express Herself?

  1. Betsy Pompi says:

    One of my two cats, Lucy has the most expressive face I have ever seen in a cat. She has never been a verbal cat. She had an upper respiratory infection when we rescued her and her meow is very quiet. I don’t know if her vocal cords were damaged (she actually had laryngitis) or not. But she can sit and stare at you for hours if she needs to. By the time that happens, she is usually very annoyed.

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