Frivolous Friday – Name That Photo!!! And Win a Prize!

Let’s try something new today. Yes, it’s a contest. You might agree that I have some interesting photos of cats. Here’s one that I believe deserves—no, it cries out for—a caption. So I’m reaching out to my followers and visitors to this blog site to come up with a clever, suitable captions.

The winner will receive a kindle or print copy of Meowmoirs of a Klepto Cat. If the winner already has that book and doesn’t need a second one as a gift, I’ll send him or her Book 30 upon publication–scheduled to come out in July.

Who are the judges? That would be me, Lily, Sophie and any weekend visitors who happen to stop by.

Note: If you’re outside of the US, I’ll send you the kindle version of either Book 29, Meowmoirs of a Klepto Cat or Book 30 Revenge at its Felinest.

Comment here with your caption idea. If you can’t leave a comment for some reason, email me here:


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8 Responses to Frivolous Friday – Name That Photo!!! And Win a Prize!

  1. Pearl Hilden says:

    You will tell me your secret for your trim figure, or else!

  2. Mary Dawson says:

    Nice bow! (Better you than me!)

  3. Mollie Hunt says:

    Look into my eyes…

  4. Patricia says:

    Kat emailed me this comment:
    “Speak to me!”

  5. Patricia says:

    Erin emailed me this one:

    “I’ll need to see your ID.”

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