Thoughts for Thursday – Rags (the cat) Speaks Out!

Corral Cat Caper, a Klepto Cat MysteryAs you may know, there are cozy mysteries with ordinary cats doing extraordinary things, like the Klepto Cat Mysteries. And there are those where the cats actually speak. There’s such a controversy between the two styles of writing cat stories that a reporter for the Wall Street Journal tackled the issue a few years ago. I was one of the lucky few who were interviewed for that article. As I said, while the cats (and dogs and horses) in the Klepto Cat Mysteries often dominate the stories, they do not have speaking parts. That is…until Dru Ann Asked Rags (yes the cat) to write a post for her Drus Book Musing blog.

If you’d like to know more about what Rags thinks, how is mind works, and what he would say if he could, here’s your chance.  In this interview, he talks about some of is catscapades. I think you’ll find it interesting. Here’s the link.


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