Mindful Monday – Cats Eye Color Rule


Before we get into our topic for the day, I’d LOVE to share excerpts from an email I received yesterday from a fan.

I just finished reading eight of the Klepto Cat Mysteries—now I’ve read them all. As I read from the earlier to the later, I noticed more depth. The characters become real to some extent. I can’t have a cat due to severe allergies so this is a great way to “have a cat.” At any rate, what I especially found interesting is the way you make it so that each story can stand alone and you don’t repeat explanations of who or what from prior ones by cutting and pasting the same paragraphs, which is something many authors do.  You make the explanations only the amount needed and fresh each time. Plus, you have a knack of ending a story without really ending it. You make one anxious to find out how unfinished parts of the story turn out. It was really hard to put down each story and I read way into the night more than once.  Really nice job!  You’re very talented…

Order either the Kindle and/or the print version of Book 22, “A Christmas to Purr About” here:


About your cat’s eye color. You may have noticed that kittens all come with dark blue eyes. But when they reach three months or so, their permanent eye color becomes apparent. It may be a shade of blue, gold (copper) or green. Pointed cats (those with light body and dark face, legs and tail) always have blue eyes. White cats are sometimes prone to have eyes of a different color—one is always blue and the other could be copper or green. The odd-eye phenomenon has also been seen in torties, although it’s rare.

When you see a cat with extreme color eyes—almost turquoise, for example, or brilliant gold or green, the color has usually been bred into the cat.

What unusual cat-eye color have you seen in your experience with cats?

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