Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – The Wild and Crazy Cat Book Nook

Lily Likes Books

I just read, “I Could Pee on That and Other Poems By Cats” by Francesco Marciuliano. (Chronicle Books) What a fun read and an adorable gift. A neighbor loaned it to me and I had myself a little laugh-fest yesterday afternoon as I saw so much truth in the humor. Loved this book.

Another favorite book of mine is “Why Cats Paint: A Theory of Feline Aesthetics” by Heather Busch and Burton Silver. They also came out with “Dancing With Cats.” The photos in these books are spectacular and the premise fascinating.

Of course there are tons of books on cat behavior and care, cat poetry, dozens of cozy mysteries with cats, cat stories for adults and for children, and any number of other books involving cats. An unusual one I stumbled across yesterday is “Crafting With Cat Hair.” Now that concept really piqued my interest. If you have multiple cats or even a couple of bushy ones, you probably find yourself covered in cat hair. (That’s the name of a blog.) This author has found a way to felt that cat hair and make crafts out of it. Now there’s an industrious idea.

Speaking of cat hair, I found a book called, “Drunk, Divorced, and Covered in Cat Hair.” Hilarious.

I tend to buy books while traveling and many of them relate to cats. I have one featuring stories of cats at the Alamo (yes in San Antonio, Texas). I picked up information about the mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska—yes, he’s a cat. I have the book about Dewey, the library cat in Spencer, Iowa (now retired). I also have an interesting travel memoir by Edward Webster who traveled abroad for a year with his blind wife and cat, Felicia. The book is, “A Year of Sundays.”

Do you like to read books featuring cats? You don’t have to go far to find a huge fiction and nonfiction selection of them.

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