Mindful Monday – A Pet-Friendly Conference. And Protect Your Pets on the 4th!

cwamemarciI just returned from a 10-day vacation. You didn’t even miss me, did you? That’s because I wrote my blog posts ahead of time and scheduled them to post each day while I was gone. One phase of my trip took me to Chandler, Arizona, to the Wild Horse Pass Resort for the annual Cat Writers/Blog Paws Conference. What a trip! The place was filled with lovely people—most of whom are writers/bloggers or artists focusing on cats and dogs. And the most charming aspect of the event was the fact that you could bring your pet to the conference. I’ve attended numbers of conferences over the years and I’ve never seen so many conference attendees smiling.

How could you not smile upon seeing an adorable dog or kitten, even a ferret or a therapy CWA1rat in a stroller, on a leash, or in someone’s arms in the hallways, the workshops, and even the dining room? This week, I’d like to share pictures from this event along with some of the occurrences, interesting sponsored products, and information I garnered over this incredible weekend.

Today, I’ve posting a photo of me with our Cat Writers president, Marci Kladnik. Oh, I forgot to mention that we also wear our finest pet-related clothing and jewelry and, in turn, some of the animals are dressed in human-like clothing. No one can say that members of the Cat Writers Association or Blog Paws don’t have a sense of whimsy and a sense of humor. And boy do we love our pets!

A Note About Fireworks and Keeping Your Pets Safe and Calm

AlyzayBirthday3 078Those of us with cats know how independent they can be, while also very much needing the human influence, whether they know it or not. While some cats crave attention, others appear aloof. But in today’s world, cats are hard-pressed to care for themselves in all ways. They need us to give them shelter, sustenance, and affection (or at least attention). Sometimes we must intervene when they’re ill or injured. And the cats living in our homes can use some assistance when it comes to protecting them from the sounds occurring this weekend.

If you live near a community fireworks display or if it’s legal to set off fireworks (not in drought-ravaged California), stay with your pets, hire someone to stay with them, or board them on the other side of town.

Use Feliway spray or plug-in to keep cats calm. Turn on the radio or TV to mask the sounds of fireworks, or try a Thundershirt for cats or dogs. http://www.thundershirt.com

Our resident cats, Sophie and Lily, react to the sound of the trash truck, construction, the vacuum cleaner, and thunder, but fireworks don’t phase them. Go figure!

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