Bring Your Best Game Thursday—Choosing Just the Right Cat

cookiepartyatperrys2011-041We talk often about the differences in cats’ personalities and habits. And those differences are only, in part, related to the breed. Sure, some breeds have more tendencies to be calm, nervous, energetic, mellow, playful, affectionate, more dog-like, or vocal. And if you’re seeking certain traits in a cat, you might start by studying cat breeds. While I encourage rescuing, keep in mind that there are rescue sites and facilities for certain breeds as well as those catering to any cat who needs love. And you can always seek mixed breed cats in shelters that carry genes from the breed you’re interested in—a part Siamese for the spunk, for example; part Persian for the sweet demeanor; Abyssinian for an intelligent, kid-friendly cat; or Bengal for his energy and playfulness.

Some of us are attached to certain coat styles. One of my daughters likes brown cats. I

Don't leave me behind

Don’t leave me behind

adore long-haired cats. I used to be fascinated by the calico. The last time I chose a kitten from a litter, however, I overlooked a darling calico in favor of my first tabby. I know people who, if given a choice, will adopt a black cat every time—or a Siamese.

I think most of us, after we’ve had a variety of cats, will eventually let the cat make the choice. We take in the stray who shows up at our door, the kitten a friend found under her porch hiding from her large dogs, or the sad-faced tortie rescue that has no place to go.

Once, when a big yellow cat kept visiting us, we started feeding him. One day, however, the cat showed up on our porch with a sticky note stuck to his head. It said, “Don’t feed me. I belong to Tyler across the street.”

What is your cat-type? Do you lean toward a specific breed or coat color, or is your heart open to the cat who happens to need a home at the moment?

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