Thoughts for Thursday – The Danger of the Recliner Chair for Kittens

One of the most under-considered household dangers in your house for kittens is probably the recliner chair. We have two—one is used every single day for back pain relief. Up and down that thing goes many times each day and night. When our cats were kittens, we were always watching out for them as the recliner chair is more interesting to a kitten than a cardboard box or an expensive cat tree, play tunnel or closet.

Years ago I’m pretty sure that I caught a kitten in our recliner chair. I didn’t realize it until the mother cat began fretting nervously behind the chair. I found her comatose kitten lying there, cold to the touch. This was a time in my life when a veterinarian was a luxury we couldn’t always afford, so I treated her myself and, happily, was successful. Rest and warmth and her mom standing by her for forty-eight hours seemed to do the trick. On the second day, the little girl was up walking around and eating. She survived to live a long life.

Fast-forward about forty years, we have a recliner chair that is, as I said, used constantly. When the cats were kittens, we made sure we knew where they were each time the chair was being moved. It was a horrible worry.

As it turned out, we did have an accident with Lily when she was about ten weeks old, but it had nothing to do with the recliner chair. It was the cat tree—an ultra-sturdy cat tree (we’d had the cat tree for a long time and they made them strong back when). Well, Sophie, who was about two then, and Lily (about ten weeks old) were playing on the cat tree when it toppled and caught Lily between the fallen tree and the fireplace bricks. Yeah, I don’t even know why the cat tree was in that spot at the time. I guess I’d moved it to vacuum or something. But then it didn’t occur to me it would ever fall over. It never had before. Well, Lily had an awful head injury and a long and difficult recovery. After that, we left the cat tree lying on its side for years.

If you’ve never considered the dangers of a recliner for a kitten, here’s a site you should view.

I also recommend that you do some research into safety tips for cat trees before allowing your kitten and a larger cat to frolic on one together. In fact, if you have a kitten or are thinking about adopting one, please refresh your memory about how to make your home safe for a curious kitten. I’ve written many blog posts on this topic over the years. You’ll find them in my archives

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2 Responses to Thoughts for Thursday – The Danger of the Recliner Chair for Kittens

  1. Lynn Gillespie says:

    I’ve had that experience my husband called me up at work he was near bout crying. My daughter who was 6 loved Tipper. Blue color with dark Niall her paws and ears and tail .my husband went to every vet and pet store and animal shelter in every town he could close to us. Looking for a kitty. He was so sick at the thought of having to tell Katie. It broke his heart. But he had to when he went and got her. And when they went home I got home they were both crying there eyes and smiling over memories and how they were gonna kill the recliner . So be aware! It’s true it happens.

    • Patricia says:

      Absolutely the recliner is a horrendous danger to cats–especially kittens–as are blind cords or any dangling ribbon or cord. Then there’s the open toilet lid and loose window screens. I’m so terribly sad for your family. Poor innocent Tipper. There are ways to block the underneath of the recliner to protect kittens. Please look it up.
      Thank you for sharing your awful experience in hopes it will save other kitties.


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