Frivolous Friday – Is the uTube Cat Frenzy Benefitting the Cat?

Cats seem to rule the Internet, when it comes to cute, funny, clever, sad, heart-tugging, interesting videos and even blogs. Cats are portrayed in every imaginable way—driving cars, mentoring other animals, wearing wigs, climbing the walls, and just being darned cute. And just when you think you’ve seen it all—everything imaginable related to cats—something new pops up. What an exciting time for those of us who appreciate and adore cats.

But I think it’s a positive move for the cat community, as well. I mean there are people who wouldn’t give a cat a second thought until they began to really know the cat—yes, through the interesting, adorable, crazy, sweet, and telling cat videos that are viraling and spiraling throughout the Internet.

There are more people adopting cats. More of us are becoming aware of not only the pampered housecat, but the millions of feral cats across the US and beyond. And we’re stepping up to the plate to help. I wonder if, along with the education that’s available through blogs, Internet tutorials, articles, etc., there are also ill-informed people who think it would be cool to have a cat who cuddles or who is entertaining.

I believe that there are far too many people who don’t take the time to understand the characteristics and peculiarities and basic needs of a cat and they end up harming them by allowing indiscriminate breeding, not keeping them safe from the many dangers inside and outside the home, and so forth. What happens the first time the cat does a cat-like thing such as, claw the sofa, climb the drapes, scratch the baby, escape out an open window, chew on the plants, etc.?

I believe we’ve opened many eyes and hearts to cats and more are being loved than ever before. But I’m sure there’s also the Dalmatian and Chihuahua-effect, as well. Remember the breeding and buying frenzy that occurred after movies featuring these animals? When an animal is exalted–when they’re being exploited–the desire for them explodes. Breeders get busy, directors promote their shelters and people buy and adopt the pet without understanding their full responsibility—what goes on behind the scenes, so to speak.

Would love your comments on this topic.

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1 Response to Frivolous Friday – Is the uTube Cat Frenzy Benefitting the Cat?

  1. Nancy M. Henson says:

    Hi… Bob the Cat seems to be a totally unique cat that I first learned about in the book and then the movie and YouTube. I think its a glorious story that people should hear about. Cats are very sensitive to our needs oftentimes. I had a cat once that always was at the foot of my bed ONLY when I was ill. The rest of the time he slept in various places including the bathroom sink.

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