Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Mischievous (Curious) Cats

rookiexmastreeI decided to dedicate one of my first blogs of 2017 to some of our more creative cats—those who manage to find trouble and dive into it head first. For example, my daughter’s cat—a newcomer to their home—decided to play “cat in the forest” last week. Here he is peering out from inside the branches of their Christmas tree. Clever, Rookie. She said he actually backed down using the branches of this artificial tree to get out of the fix he found himself in.

I used to do a lot of sewing and needlework and I’ve always had curious cats trying to help me with my projects. This year, I actually made a beaded felt Christmas stocking for a new baby without too much interference. And I made a large advent calendar with 24 beaded pockets. What’s my secret? I work when the cats are napping, otherwise I have a little too much help, if you know what I mean.

I’ve pretty much given up knitting. Here, you can see how much the cats enjoy alyzaypoollily-041helping with my knitted projects.

There are two things about cats that everyone should know before adopting. They love exploring something new you bring into the house. And they want to be involved in whatever you’re doing, whether it’s decorating your Christmas tree, making the bed, taking a bath, unloading grocery bags, reading a book, fixing dinner, washing dishes…I had to shoo Lily out of the refrigerator a time or two when she was a kitten. Here she is examining what goes on in alyzaycats-081the dishwasher.

So are cats inherently mischievous? I guess it depends on one’s perspective. I’m sure that, to a cat, she’s just being curious.

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2 Responses to Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Mischievous (Curious) Cats

  1. kathy says:

    I love your catscapades almost as much as your books thanks for making my day keep writing both please

  2. Patricia says:

    How nice to hear (read). Book 21 goes to the formatters today!!! So watch for my “new-book-in-the-series” announcement within the next two or three weeks. “Merriment, Mayhem, and Meows” will come out in print and for Kindle before the end of the month. Happy Meow Year!

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