Mindful Monday—Training Your Cat: Part 1


pennysitToday, I’m thrilled to introduce guest blogger Barbara (Bobbi) Florio Graham. Bobbi won the $1,000 Sticky Paws award for best article on training at the Cat Writers’ Association annual conference in 2002. Follow the link to that article at the end of this post. Here’s Bobbi’s story:

I grew up with dogs that my father carefully trained, as well as outdoor cats who came and went as they pleased, and were just picked up and put outside if they misbehaved. That led me to see if I could train a cat
like a dog. I think we underestimate the ability of all animals, expecting them to understand and communicate the way we do.

Dogs are pack animals, used to accepting direction. Cats are independent, but will learn to do whatever ends up in a reward they want. As I point out in the article, respect for the animal is key, along with repetition and consistency. An owner who uses the cat’s name to scold him or her is sending the wrong message. If I call my cat by her name, “Penny,” she knows it’s for something good, and therefore she’ll always come, even if she’s
sound asleep in a favorite hiding place.

I believe in training because cats are so often surrendered for
behaviors they could very easily have been trained not to perform:
missing the litterbox, scratching furniture, biting, jumping onto tables
or kitchen counters, etc.

I want to live with a companion who respects me and behaves in a way
that makes things easier for both of us.

Part 2 of the Training Your Cat series will be posted tomorrow. Be sure to tune in and learn about Bobbi’s first experiences with cat training and tips you can use with your own cats.

Here is the link to her original article on this topic: http://SimonTeakettle.com/training.htm

Barbara Florio Graham is an author and publishing consultant whose business is named after The Cat Who Owns the Company. Her website: http://SimonTeakettle.com contains Simon Teakettle’s blog, fan club, and a great deal of information about cats (as well as many other subjects).

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