Get Speaking Gigs at Conferences

I have a busy week ahead. I’m preparing a presentation for the Cat Writers Association Conference in Los Angeles Friday morning. I’ll be talking about self-publishing (or pay-to-publish services).

Saturday morning, I sit on a book promotion panel at the Ventura County Writers Weekend in Camarillo, California. I have been asked to prepare a brief introduction into book marketing. I will spend the rest of the weekend at this event speaking to people about SPAWN and handing out our Catalog of Members Books and Services. I may even sell a few books. I expect to have that opportunity at both events. I’ll also hand out my brochures and business cards along with some valuable handouts related to the themes of my talks.

I always look forward to these opportunities to connect with other authors and, perhaps, help some of them get off on the right foot as they step into the unknown and highly competitive world of publishing.

These two events will conclude my activities for this year. In 2013, I will be visiting authors throughout California in Palm Springs, Orange County, Ventura and Los Angeles as well as Tucson and Las Vegas. Check the “appearances” page at my website for details. And keep an eye on this page as more appearances are added.

Have you scheduled some appearances where you can promote your book? You know, it is rare that someone will seek you out as a speaker/presenter. It does happen. But the most common scenario involves the author locating speaking opportunities that his/her readers attend. If you have a nonfiction book, for example, you might land a speaking gig at a conference related to the subject of your book—finances, technology, art, writing, architecture, pets, ecology, marketing, wellness, health and so forth. I’ve given these to you before, but here are some conference directories. I’d love some feedback from you once you’ve checked appropriate conferences out and, maybe, even secured a speaking position.

What can you expect? The organizers may have a budget designed to pay all expenses for speakers. They may pay for part of your stay or travel. Or they might come up with a small honorarium. I typically find it is worth my while to speak at an event that is well-attended by my particular audience, even if I paid my expenses. But then, not only do I sell books, but I offer editorial services.

Before you apply for a speaking slot at a conference, you might attend one or two. Sit in on the sessions. Study the program. Determine what you can offer that is unique and would be of interest to attendees. And then make sure that you can handle the task. If you need to hone your speaking skills, join a Toastmasters Club and participate. You will be quite pleasantly surprised by the improvement in your skills and confidence.

And be sure to read my latest book designed for any author who is involved in or will be involved in giving presentations, appearing on radio/TV/podcasts, communicating with readers at signings/book festivals and so forth. Talk Up Your Book is your go-to resource for using your personality to sell your book.
Conference Directories

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