Memoir Writing Course Starts Today

I am starting a new course today—my Memoir Writing Course. If you are interested in taking this 6-week online course for $200, you can learn more about it and sign up today here:

One advantage to taking my memoir course is that I have so much background in publishing as compared to other teachers who may be able to counsel you only in the writing aspect. Here’s what I will cover. You will learn how to:

• Gather pertinent information.
• Determine which information is relevant and which isn’t.
• Identify the appropriate audience for your memoir.
• Effectively interview significant relatives and others.
• Conduct research to locate and verify important details.
• Document the material.
• Decide what form to use in writing your memoir.
• Use emotions in your memoir.
• Ascertain whether this story is publishable.
• Explore publishing possibilities for your memoir.

Sign up today and you should be well on your way toward writing your memoir and have a more clear idea of your publishing path by Labor Day.

Be sure to visit my websites—get your free ebooklet, “50 Reasons Why You Should Write That Book,” at:

Order “The Right Way to Write, Publish and Sell Your Book,” at a discount at:

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